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September 25, 2011

How Sunlight Therapy can Prevent Heart Disease

How Sunlight Therapy can prevent heart disease -- Sunlight is known to provide growth and energy for all living things. Some researchers believe that sunlight therapy can be effective to maintain health conditions. In fact, a recent study compared 100 patients in Canada, who suffered from depression. The conclusion of the natural health research demonstrated that patients who received light treatment responded faster without adverse side effects opposed to those receiving antidepressant medication.

Here are some of the benefits of sunlight

Sunlight therapy helps in shaping and improving the bones. With increasing levels of vitamin D in the body because it is exposed to sunlight, may increase calcium absorption. This helps the formation and repair of bones and prevents diseases such as rickets and Osteomalacia (Osteomalacia is the softening of the bones caused by defective bone mineralization secondary to inadequate amounts of available phosphorus and calcium, or because of overactive resorption of calcium from the bone as a result of hyperparathyroidism).

Sunlight therapy increases several types of immune. Sunlight increases white blood cells, especially lymphocytes, are useful for attacking the disease. Antibodies (gamma globulins) increases. This influence lasted until three weeks. Neutrophil kills germs faster after breathing with sunlight. 10 minutes under ultraviolet light one or two times per week can reduce 30-40% of the flu (Neutrophil is a type of white blood cell, specifically a form of granulocyte, filled with neutrally-staining granules, tiny sacs of enzymes that help the cell to kill and digest microorganisms it has engulfed by Phagocytosis).

The sun can kill disease bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This is useful for the treatment of tuberculosis, erysipelas, blood poisoning, peritonitis, pneumonia, mumps, asthma, respiratory tract. Even some of the cancer-causing viruses are destroyed by ultraviolet light. Fungal infections, including Candida, react to sunlight. Ten minutes in the air, bacteria destroyed by sunlight.

And how sunlight therapy prevent heart disease

Sunlight produces vitamin D. At the time, filtered ultraviolet rays on the skin, will change the deposit of cholesterol in the skin into vitamin D. Exposes a portion of the body or bask in the sun in the morning for 5 minutes to give 400 units of vitamin D.

Sunlight reduces blood cholesterol. By altering cholesterol under the skin into vitamin D, causing the body to give warning to cholesterol in the blood to exit from the blood into the skin, thus reducing the cholesterol in the blood.

Sunlight reduces blood sugar level. Sunlight is like insulin that provides easy absorption of glucose into body cells. It stimulates the body to convert blood sugar (glucose) to be stored sugar (glycogen) stored in the liver and in muscle, thus lowering blood sugar.

Sunlight increases respiratory fitness. Sunlight can increase the blood capacity to carry oxygen and distribute it to tissues. Another factor that could help improve respiratory fitness is that the increase in liver glycogen and muscle after basking in the sun.

So this how sunlight therapy can prevent heart disease, you may also read about how strawberry prevent heart disease and cancer risk.

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